🎁Diggy Points

While the game is in development, content may change

Diggy Points System


Diggy Points represent a revolutionary reward mechanism within Treasure Dwarf Battles, designed to acknowledge and fairly assess the contributions of community member throughout the development and operation of the project. Unlike traditional models that prioritize monetary investment or early adoption, Diggy Points focus on meaningful engagement and real contributions.

The Problem Addressed

Many blockchain projects fail to recognize the true value of early and ongoing user contributions, focusing primarily on financial inputs or superficial metrics. This often leads to a disconnect between user engagement and reward mechanisms, undermining community loyalty and long-term participation.

Our Innovative Solution: Community Engagement Rewards System

Diggy Points are a blockchain-based solution that offers a secure and transparent method to measure and reward community engagement. This system is built to ensure that all contributions, whether they are from day one or years into the project, are recognized and valued equally.

How It Works

The Diggy Points system integrates several components to ensure comprehensive community recognition:

1. Enhanced Discord Roles

Discord roles are dynamically adjusted to reflect active participation. These roles not only signify community status but also directly influence the accumulation of Diggy Points. Examples of these roles include:

  • @Granite Keeper

  • @Content Creator

  • @Raider 𝕏

  • @ForgeMaster

  • @Rumble

  • @GraniteWarrior

  • @Server Booster

Some roles give multipliers, and some give one-time points. More information coming soon.

2. Blockchain-based Points

Points are stored on the blockchain, providing a permanent, tamper-proof record of member's contributions. This system ensures that points are a reliable indicator of reputation and effort within the community.

3. Content Creation Rewards

Community members who create and share content that promotes the project receive Diggy Points. This not only enhances their reputation but also provides tangible rewards within the game ecosystem.

4. Social Tasks

Members can engage in various social tasks, such as participating in community raids or events, to earn additional Diggy Points.

5. Game Integration

Diggy Points directly affect in-game mechanics and rewards, tying community engagement to tangible outcomes within the game. Players can earn points through activities such as:

  • Minting and leveling up dwarfs

  • Participating in and winning battles

  • Engaging in treasure hunts

  • Holding specific NFTs within the ecosystem

ActionDiggy Points

1 day login + 1 battle


2 day login + 1 battle


3 day login + 1 battle


4 day login + 1 battle


5 day login + 1 battle


6 day login + 1 battle


7 day login + 1 battle


Battle in Small Arena


Battle in Middle Arena


Battle in Large Arena


Win in Small Arena


Win in Middle Arena


Win in Large Arena


Bet on Wooden Chest


Bet on Golden Chest


Bet on Mythical Chest


Win Wooden Chest


Win Golden Chest


Win Mythical Chest


Mint a Dwarf


Blend a Dwarf (each)


Mint 3 types of Dwarfs


Reach level 5


Reach level 10


Reach level 20


Benefits and Impact

The introduction of Diggy Points aims to cultivate a robust and actively engaged community where user's action contributes to both personal and collective success. By aligning rewards with actual contributions, we foster an environment where players are motivated to participate actively and meaningfully in the project’s growth.

✈️Potential Airdrop

Last updated