⚖️Game Economics

We are going to unveil the economic design in this thread that powers our game, ensuring both engagement and reward for our player

Minting & Gameplay:

• Minting Dwarfs: Players begin their journey by minting dwarfs. Over half of the minting cost is funneled into the leaderboard prizes and referral program, significantly rewarding player participation and competition.

• Engage in Arena Battles against other players. A percentage of the fees collected from these battles go back into the community pool, fueling rewards and maintaining the game’s economy.

Player Rewards & Leaderboard:

• Your performance impacts your position on the Leaderboard, determining your share of the game’s distributed rewards.

• Importantly, positions on the leaderboard dictate how Blast Gold, if allocated to the game, are distributed among players. We commit to distributing 100% of any Blast Gold received to the players, ensuring fair and substantial rewards for top performers.

• Participate in the Treasure Hunt to earn more Diggy Points.

Treasure Hunt:

• Participate in the Treasure Hunt to grab rewards from chests and earn more Diggy Points for future rewards.

• While the ETH is in the chest, the prize pool grows due to the Blast Native Yield mechanism, enhancing the stakes and rewards.

Diggy Points: Your Gateway to Exclusive Rewards:

• Social Engagement: Earn Diggy Points through social tasks, community roles, and content creation, enhancing your influence within the game world.

• Content Creators: Active content creators are rewarded with Diggy Points, which boost their standing and game benefits.

Revenue Distribution:

• Fees collected from game activities like minting and arena battles are used to support the game’s economy.

• Earn Diggy Points by actively engaging in the community. These points reflect your dedication and could unlock unique potential future incentives: rewards, airdrops and privileges, making Treasure Dwarf Battles a truly community-driven experience.

Benefits for Players:

• Engage in a robust economy where your action has a reward—from battling in arenas to participating in community events.

• The game is focused on maximizing your gaming experience, we've eliminated unnecessary time sinks, ensuring the game remains interesting, simple and economically efficient

• We've adopted an approach that ensures economic stability by eliminating factors that contribute to price volatility and potential market crashes.

Last updated